Don't Stand So Close to Me
Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash
“Don’t stand so close to me.” I have two opposing simultaneous feelings about this sentence.
I will admit that my personal space has always been important to me. I like a certain amount of proximity between me and the person with whom I am talking, working, walking, watching and even worshiping. I like my space. This era of social distancing is not out of my wheelhouse, so yeah, don’t stand so close to me.
On the other hand, I haven’t really felt the same struggles that some people have that live alone or are the only adult in the house. I have been blessed with a husband and son living under the same roof as me. My shelter in place has not been isolated. I have human interaction and contact. I have enjoyed being close to them through this time, so please stand close to me.
How often does this dichotomy play out in my life? I see the battle of it clearly on social media. It is easy to project an image, but don’t stand too close because you might see the real real. I understand and support the thought that we always want to put our best foot forward with positive words and feelings, but when it comes down to it, can that image survive someone standing close to it? For when we are standing close to someone, it is easier to see past their facade.
For me, this is a constant battle. What is the motivation behind writing and creating? Is it so people will see and acknowledge my gifting? Or is it because Jesus is calling me to share? Jesus talked about people who do things for the wrong motives, that is, just to be seen by men. He said if that is their motivation, they already have their reward. I want to do things no one will ever see, so that I can have that reward in heaven. I also want to use whatever gifting He has given me to spread His good news, to fill the earth with His glory. I want who I am to be genuine, both at a good six foot social distancing and when someone is standing close to me, especially when the one that stands the closest is a man called Jesus.
I will also admit, that I have been known to “social distance” from the Lord. We still talk. We still have relationship, but their are some areas that my mind tells me it is better if we just don’t stand too close to the Light. I know from experience with my mirror, that light can reveal a whole lot of flaws and imperfections. Listen, God is always a gentleman. He is patient and kind. He is rich in love and slow to anger. Thank God! But the closer you stand to the Lord and He with you, the flaws just begin to show up. Thats okay. Your only hope for change is to draw close to Him and let Him see you as you are. Break down that social distancing with the Lord. I can hear Him knocking on the door. Let Him in. Let Him stand so close to you.