Lois Greene

Lois is a talented author, artist, and speaker. Published books, custom journals, and instant downloads are all available on this website, in our online store.

Collection: Clothed (and in my right mind)

The Book

It takes work to keep our physical bodies clothed. We get up every day and choose clothing to wear. We spend time and money to dress ourselves. This book explores what it means to get up every day and clothe our spirits. Since the temporal is just a shadow of the eternal, the Scripture has a lot to offer concerning this subject. Let’s explore what the Bible has to say about clothing our spiritual beings. I want to find myself standing before Jesus, clothed (and in my right mind)!

The Companion Devotional

Each chapter in the Devotional has a set of corresponding worksheets.  Each set of worksheets includes thought starters and prayer points. This devotional can be used in a private devotion or with a group. 

Buy the Bundle and Save

A bundle includes both the paperback book and the devotional. The book is 5.5” x 8.5” and the devotional is 8.5” x11”.


The poster is one 12” x 18” poster. It comes in two styles: black and white or pink. It is original artwork printed on watercolor paper. It is a reminder of those attributes the scripture tells us we should put on our spiritual bodies. A great addition to your closet, your prayer closet, your prayer room, your office, sunday school room or wherever you want to remember the words of Colossians 3.

Collection: The Awesome Power and Privilege of a Woman’s Voice

The Book

A unique perspective on the lives of Biblical women. It transforms their circumstances to make a relevant parallel to modern Christianity. It will encourage and strengthen your walk with God and your relationships with others. Its principles will make you realize the significance of your own voice in this world.

The Companion Devotional

Each chapter in the Devotional has a set of corresponding worksheets.  Each set of worksheets includes devotional preparation, thought starters and prayer points. Use the prayer points page to write out your prayer, for additional notes, or journaling creations.  This devotional can be used in a private devotion or with a group. 

Buy the Bundle and Save

A bundle includes both the paperback book and the devotional.

The paperback is 5.5” x 8.5” and the devotional is 8.5” x11”.

Libros y Devocionals in Español

El Libro

Nos cuesta trabajo vestir nuestro cuerpo físico. Nos levantamos cada día y vestimos nuestro cuerpo. Dedicamos tiempo y dinero eligiendo nuestra ropa. A través de este libro, me gustaría explorar lo que significa levantarse cada día y vestir nuestros espíritus. Dado que lo temporal es sólo una sombra de lo eterno, las Escrituras tienen mucho que ofrecer sobre este tema. Exploremos lo que la Biblia tiene que decir sobre vestir a nuestros seres espirituales. Quiero encontrarme de pie ante el trono, vestido (¡y en mi cabal juicio!).


Este devocional fue creado para acompañar el libro Vestido (y en mi cabal juicio) de Lois Greene. Hay un devocional para cada capítulo que reitera los puntos señalados en el capítulo y te da la oportunidad de aplicarlo personalmente. 

Vestido Libro y Devocional Junto

Un paquete incluye tanto el libro de bolsillo como el devocional. El libro mide 5.5" x 8.5" y el devocional mide 8.5" x11".

Explore the Art Gallery

Angel Wing Print (strangers)

Original watercolor work (created with Adobe Fresco) of a beautiful angel’s wing with scripture: “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Heb 13:2”

12x18 print on heavy watercolor paper

order alone or with Angel Wing Print (charge over thee) to display as a duo (as seen in pic 3)

colors may vary due to computer screens

Great for pairing side by side

Order both and hang side by side!

Angel Wing Print (charge over thee)

Original watercolor work (created using Adobe Fresco) of a beautiful angel’s wing with scripture: “For he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. Ps 91:11”

12x18 print on heavy watercolor paper

order alone or with Angel Wing Print (strangers) to display as a duo (as seen in pic 3)

colors may vary due to computer screens

Prayer Journal Organizers How-To Videos

Each video is a hands-on exploration of my inspirations and the techniques and materials I use to create journal entries in my Pray About Everything prayer journal organizer. Sign up at the bottom of this page or subscribe to my YouTube Channel to be notified when I add more. In the description for each video on my YouTube Channel, I include links to buy materials and supplies I use to create the journal.

Bible Studies

Two of my passions are the word of God and art. I find that utilizing both of these together is a great way to communicate my thoughts and reinforce my understanding of the scripture. You can find these Bible Studies on our YouTube channel under the series Bible Studies. If you would like to “journal” using journaling art supplies, you can find several downloads on our Free Stuff page that you can use to add interest to your Bible Studies!

Order the REST Bible study here to join along with me as we this Bible study together!

Order the Heaven’s Ledger Bible study to join along with me as we work through this Bible study together!

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