Prayer Journal - Places

Praying for places can be as broad as a continent and as specific as a 100 square foot space. Whatever communities God has laid on your heart, write those down in your prayer journal and walk around them spiritually as you pray. Pray for the people, pray for the leaders. Speak against strongholds and principalities. I added several countries we visit each year or so (at least before COVID!). South Africa, Greece and Singapore are 3 places overseas that I pray for consistently because of our connections there. Each time I see the place, I am reminded of the people and renewed in my burden for them.

God may place a country, city or community on your heart that you have never been to and that is awesome! Pray for them! Remind yourself by writing it down in your prayer journal and I believe each time you see it God will renew and take you back to that initial burden you felt for that place and those people.

Churches can be places you might want to journal a prayer for! Your church, your family’s church, your neighboring church. Pray for those churches you see everyday. It does not matter their name or their creed, pray that their church will be a place where the spirit of God dwells. I am currently doing that for a church I feel God has laid on my heart. It’s a BIG ask, but how can God answer if I don’t ask! If your local congregation does not have a building, pray for God to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think for a location that will be right where God wants you. Also have this in my prayer journal for a congregation that God has connected us to and we are believing for just the right place!

If you feel God is directing you, pray for coffee houses, bars, stadiums, restaurants, local businesses, small home owned businesses, stores, etc. Pray for your place of business, or your loved one’s place of business. There is power in prayer!

My “Places” has interchangeable tabs that I can update each week with our upcoming ministry points. Each week, I change it out so that I am staying focused on what is ahead. Praying for God to give us a love for the people, praying for the pastor and family, asking God to do miracles, and move in healing or deliverance, or direction, according to His will, expecting and believing.

Join me in this YouTube video where I journal “Places” and let’s see where we will travel in the Spirit.

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