Prayer Journal - Dreams

Dreams are an interesting thing! Many times in the Bible, God reveals things through dreams. Some need interpretation and some don’t. Some are given in the night and some are like visions. Since we have a section for vision, you can journal any “visions” God has given you there or here! I always want to reiterate, it is YOUR personal prayer journal. Write/draw/journal in it the way it makes the most sense to you!

Many times, people will contact my husband to help them decipher a dream that God has given as they sleep. If God gives you a dream while you are sleeping, write it down when you wake up. I have found that if I do not write it down or speak it out loud right away, I can lose many of the details. Many times, dreams need an interpretation. This is the perfect reason to put it in your prayer journal! Pray about the interpretation! Ask God for wisdom, He will not hold back. Make sure the interpretation agrees with the Spirit and the Word. It is easy to drift off into what our carnal minds want the dream to mean.

When it comes to day dreams, dream BIG! Our day dreams are tied into our mentalities! We will not ask for something that we do not meditate on in our minds, or day dream about. Let’s remember that God can literally do anything! I have learned over time that sometimes my day dreams are merely reflections of what I desire or want in my spirit. For instance, I have day dreamed of owning a house on the water for many years. Over those years, God has helped me to refine the desires behind that day dream. I understand now that having this place will not fulfill me (which is what I thought for quite a while), but rather it is a place to be utilized for ministry, both personally and corporately. It is an easy thing to write down in 2 or 3 sentences now, but it has been a long season of praying and dreaming.

Don’t be afraid to dream big! He is a big God who will do exceeding, abundantly above all that we ask or think.

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